HioSys I/O shuffle

The composition function HioShuffle is used to technically group two or (by repetition) more I/O plants into one single I/O plant model.


Shuffle-composition of two HioPlant systems.


HioShuffle(+In+ HioPlant GArg1, +In+ HioPlant GArg2, +Out+ HioPlant GRes)

HioShuffle(+In+ Generator GArg1, +In+ Generator GArg2, +In+ EventSet Yp, +In+ EventSet Up, +In+ EventSet Ye, +In+ EventSet Ue, +Out+ Generator GRes)

Detailed description:

The I/O shuffle of two I/O plants is based on the ordinary shuffle product (parallel composition under absence of shared events), but restricted by the additional condition L_io on the ordering of input-output event-pairs and extended by a well-defined error behaviour L_err. The latter accounts for situations where L_io is violated, i.e. a measurement event from the one plant component is replied to by a control event to the other plant component. The behaviour of the individual components is not restricted by this composition. The I/O shuffle of two I/O plants results in an I/O plant.

two I/O plants           I/O shuffle of two I/O plants

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